Young Carers/Young Adult Carers
We believe that young carers and young adult carers have the right to participate in learning and College life. Some students provide care for a family member with a chronic illness, a disability, or a mental health condition (including substance misuse) connected with a need for care. The person receiving care is often a parent but can be a sibling, grandparent, partner, own child or other relative.
As a student you can, in the first instance, talk to your personal tutor. Should you feel uncomfortable doing that, for any reason, the College's designated Carer Champions listed below will be happy to be advocates for and work with you to positively influence your College experience.
SRC Carer Leads

Donna Hughes
Deputy Safeguarding Officer
Newry & Greenbank Campus

Lorraine McKeown
Adult Safeguarding Champion & Lead Designated Safeguarding Officer
Banbridge Campus
Designated Carer Champions

Donna Hughes
Deputy Safeguarding Officer
Newry & Greenbank Campus

Michelle O’Callaghan
Safeguarding Officer
Newry & Greenbank Campus

Lorraine McKeown
Adult Safeguarding Champion & Lead Designated Safeguarding Officer
Banbridge Campus