Employer Toolkit
Connecting you to the right skills
Select from the sessions below to find out more about apprenticeships and the support available:
What is an apprenticeship?
ApprenticeshipsNI is the flagship programme for apprenticeships running in Northern Ireland.
Who can become an apprentice?
ApprenticeshipsNI is a way for young people and adult learners to earn while they learn in a real job, gaining real qualifications and a real future career.
Benefits of doing an apprenticeship
There are many benefits for an apprentice and the employer when taking part in an apprenticeship. In this session we will cover the benefits for the apprentice.
What are the benefits of hiring an apprentice?
In this session we will cover the benefits to you, as an employer and to your organisation of hiring an apprentice.
What are the employer’s responsibilities?
This session provides an outline of the employer's responsibilities when taking on an apprentice including recruitment, employment and training requirements.
What support can my local FE College provide?
Find out how your local college will support you and your apprentice on the apprenticeship journey.
The MentorConnect resources were developed by the 6 NI Colleges with financial assistance from the Department for the Economy under the NI Apprenticeship Challenge Fund.