Step Up

The Step Up Programme aims to offer support for people to re-engage with skills and education in order to access employment.
The Step Up Programme offers anyone aged 16+ a choice of four pathways, designed to meet various employment and training needs. This is free to attend as all costs are met by the Department for the Economy, and help is also available with mentoring, childcare and travel costs.
Step Up will provide you with an opportunity to build confidence, explore career options, build on existing skills, gain qualifications while also benefiting from one-to-one mentorship. Other help includes supported work experience, action planning and careers advice.
If you wish to gain skills and education to help you get into work, the Step Up Programme could be for you. The Programme will begin at Southern Regional College in September 2024 across a range of our campuses. All pathways are person-centred and flexible, and each student will be given personal support to help them reach their goals.