Employ Me

Employ Me is an employability programme providing training, employability and wraparound support for economically inactive people aged 16+. It aims to reduce barriers, develop skills, achieve qualifications and enhance employability to enable progression to employment or self-employment.
The programme targets economically inactive people only, with emphasis on specific cohorts to include Disability, Aged 50+, Women Returners, Justice (those in, or at risk of entering, the justice system), Single Parents and Carers.
Southern Regional College is working in partnership with Clanrye Group, Community Advice Newry Mourne and Down, and Women’s Aid Armagh Down to deliver Employ Me.
Programme Activity
For course detail and eligibility on any of our Employ Me courses, please contact one of our Key Workers.
Amy Fitzpatrick T: 075 8713 3178 E: fitzpatricka@src.ac.uk
Naoimh McGovern T: 077 1198 1735 E: mcgovernn@src.ac.uk